Designing what? intensive applications

Dec 30, 2023


Reading "Designing Data-Intensive Applications" by Martin Kleppmann was like trying to drink from a firehose of data wisdom—there's just so much to take in! The book covers everything you need to build data applications that won’t crash and burn under pressure. To save my brain from overheating and to remember all these brilliant topics, I decided to jot them down in this blog. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride through the world of modern data systems! I hope this will help me or someone else in the following "Designing What? Intensive Applications?" moment.


audio mixer set

I will just throw in everything (in no particular order) that I could not put elsewhere. In the next section - I'll try to be more organised 😊

  • Event Sourcing and CQRS: Event Sourcing stores changes to the application state as a sequence of events. Combined with Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), it separates read and write operations to optimize performance and scalability.
  • Lambda Architecture: This architecture combines batch and real-time processing to handle large-scale data. It consists of a batch layer for processing historical data, a speed layer for real-time data, and a serving layer to merge results.
  • Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs): CRDTs are data structures that can be replicated across multiple computers, allowing for local updates and eventual consistency without conflicts, making them ideal for distributed systems.
  • Log-Based Message Brokers: Kafka, a log-based message broker, ensures fault tolerance and high throughput by storing records in a log and replicating them across multiple nodes. This design supports real-time and batch processing.
  • Schema Evolution Strategies: Avro and Protocol Buffers support schema evolution, allowing changes to data structures over time without breaking applications. This is essential for long-term data management in evolving systems.
  • Immutable Data: Using immutable data structures can simplify the design of distributed systems. Immutable data can be shared safely between threads and replicated across nodes without conflicts.
  • Handling Clock Skew: In distributed systems, clock skew can cause inconsistencies. Logical clocks and vector clocks help order events without relying on synchronized physical clocks.
  • Distributed Consensus: Algorithms like Paxos and Raft are crucial for achieving consensus in distributed systems, ensuring that multiple nodes agree on a single data value even in the presence of failures.
  • Batch vs. Stream Processing: Understanding the trade-offs between batch processing (high throughput, latency-tolerant) and stream processing (low latency, real-time) is key to designing efficient data pipelines.
  • Data Locality in Hadoop: Hadoop’s design moves computation to the data rather than moving data to the computation, reducing network congestion and improving processing speed.
  • Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC): MVCC allows multiple versions of a data item to exist simultaneously, improving concurrency and consistency in databases.
  • Geospatial Indexing: Techniques like R-trees and GeoHashes enable efficient querying of spatial data, which is crucial for applications like mapping and location-based services.
  • Data Compaction: In systems like Cassandra, data compaction merges multiple SSTables (Sorted String Tables) into one, improving read performance and storage efficiency.
  • Secondary Indexes in NoSQL Databases: Secondary indexes allow querying on non-primary key attributes, enhancing flexibility and performance in NoSQL databases.
  • Service Discovery in Microservices: Systems like Consul and ZooKeeper help microservices discover each other and manage configuration, ensuring seamless communication.
  • Zero Downtime Deployments: Techniques such as blue-green deployments and canary releases help update applications without downtime, ensuring continuous availability.
  • Function Shipping: In distributed systems, function shipping moves computation to the data, reducing data transfer costs and improving performance.
  • Column-Family Storage: Used in databases like HBase, this storage model groups related data together, optimizing read and write performance for columnar data.
  • Transactional Outbox Pattern: This pattern ensures that changes to the database and message queue are both successful, preventing inconsistencies in event-driven architectures.
  • Database Sharding Strategies: Sharding strategies like range-based, hash-based, and directory-based sharding distribute data efficiently across multiple nodes.
  • Query Optimization Techniques: Techniques such as query planning, execution plans, and indexing improve the performance of database queries.
  • Graph Traversal Algorithms: Algorithms like Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS) are crucial for efficiently querying graph databases.
  • Log-Based Replication: This replication method, used by systems like MySQL, ensures data consistency and durability by replicating the transaction log to other nodes.
  • Write-Ahead Logging (WAL): WAL ensures data durability by writing changes to a log before applying them to the database, enabling recovery from crashes.
  • Anti-Entropy Protocols: These protocols, like Merkle trees, help detect and resolve inconsistencies between replicas in distributed systems.
  • Quorum-Based Replication: Ensures strong consistency by requiring a majority of nodes to agree on updates before they are committed, used in systems like Cassandra.
  • Change Data Capture (CDC): CDC captures changes in a database and propagates them to downstream systems, ensuring data consistency across different services.
  • Polyglot Persistence: Using multiple types of databases within a single application to leverage the strengths of each, such as using a graph database for relationships and a document database for flexibility.

Foundations of Data Systems

Data Models and Query Languages

The book begins by discussing different data models and query languages. Relational databases use SQL to manage and query data. These databases store data in tables with rows and columns.

Example: A MySQL database stores user information in a table with columns for user ID, name, email, and password.

Document databases store data as JSON-like documents. They allow for flexible and hierarchical data structures. MongoDB is a popular document database.

Example: A MongoDB collection stores user profiles where each document can have different fields and nested objects.

Graph databases focus on relationships between data entities. They use nodes, edges, and properties to represent and query relationships. Neo4j is a well-known graph database.

Example: A Neo4j database represents social network connections where nodes are users and edges are their relationships (friends, followers).

Storage and Retrieval Mechanisms

The book also covers storage and retrieval mechanisms. Log-structured storage engines write data sequentially to a log file, optimizing write performance. B-Trees are balanced tree structures used in many traditional databases to ensure efficient data indexing and retrieval.

Example: MySQL and PostgreSQL use B-Trees for indexing and quick data retrieval.

Log-Structured Merge-Trees (LSM-Trees) are designed for write-heavy workloads. They batch-write operations in memory before periodically merging them to disk. Systems like Cassandra and LevelDB use LSM-Trees for efficient storage management.

Example: LevelDB uses LSM-Trees to handle high write throughput with efficient disk usage.

Encoding and Evolution of Data

Data encoding and schema evolution are also important topics. Formats like JSON, Avro, and Protocol Buffers serialise data for efficient storage and transfer. Schema evolution ensures that changes in data structures over time do not break applications.

Example: Using Avro schemas to handle changing data requirements in a data pipeline without breaking existing consumers.

Distributed Data

Distributed Systems and Their Challenges

Handling data in a distributed environment introduces significant complexity. The CAP theorem states that achieving Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance simultaneously in a distributed system is impossible. Trade-offs are inevitable.

Example: A system like Apache Cassandra prioritises availability and partition tolerance, accepting eventual consistency.

Eventual consistency is one trade-off, where updates to a distributed system will eventually propagate to all nodes, ensuring eventual agreement on the data's state. DynamoDB prioritises availability and partition tolerance, accepting eventual consistency.

Example: An e-commerce site using DynamoDB may show slightly outdated inventory information momentarily but ensures eventual consistency.

Consistency and Consensus

Consistency models and consensus algorithms are key to maintaining data integrity in distributed systems. Models like strong consistency ensure operations appear instantaneous across the system, while eventual consistency allows updates to propagate over time. Consensus algorithms like Paxos and Raft ensure distributed nodes agree on a single data value.

Example: Raft is used in etcd for reliable leader election and consensus in distributed configurations.

Batch Processing and Stream Processing

Batch processing and stream processing are two approaches to handling large volumes of data. Batch processing systems like Hadoop process data in chunks, suitable for operations that require high throughput but can tolerate some latency. Stream processing systems like Apache Kafka and Apache Storm handle continuous data streams, enabling immediate analysis and response.

Example: Using Hadoop to analyse large log files overnight to generate daily reports.

Fault Tolerance and Recovery

Fault tolerance and recovery strategies ensure data durability and availability in the face of failures. Replication techniques, like master-slave and multi-master replication, duplicate data across multiple nodes. Checkpointing saves the state of a system at intervals, facilitating recovery after failures.

Example: MySQL master-slave replication ensures read availability even if the master node fails.

Derived Data

Data Warehousing and OLAP

Derived data, resulting from transforming raw data, is another key concept. Data warehousing and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) tools facilitate data analysis and reporting. Data warehouses, like Amazon Redshift, serve as central repositories for structured data, optimised for read-heavy operations and complex queries.

Example: Amazon Redshift as a data warehouse for analyzing large datasets across different departments.

OLAP systems enable querying multidimensional data.

Example: Using OLAP cubes in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) for financial reporting.

Dataflow Systems and Batch Processing

Apache Spark is an advanced dataflow system for batch processing that provides in-memory computation for speed and efficiency. Spark supports complex analytics and data transformations at scale.

Example: Using Spark to process and analyse large-scale data logs in near real-time.

Materialised Views and Caching

Materialised views and caching are techniques to speed up data access. Materialised views precompute query results for fast access. Caching systems like Redis store frequently accessed data in memory, improving performance by reducing access time.

Example: PostgreSQL materialised views for precomputing complex joins and aggregations.

Searching and Indexing

Full-text search engines like Elasticsearch index and query large volumes of text data. Techniques like inverted indexes enable fast search and retrieval of documents.

Example: Elasticsearch indexing product descriptions for a fast and relevant search on an e-commerce site.

Consistency and Consensus

Consistency Models

Consistency models and consensus algorithms ensure data integrity and reliability in distributed systems. Linearizability and serializability ensure operations appear instantaneous across the system, and transactions are executed in a serial order. Snapshot isolation provides a consistent view of the database as of a particular point in time.

Example: PostgreSQL's implementation of snapshot isolation to handle concurrent transactions.

Replication and Partitioning Strategies

Replication and partitioning strategies balance load and improve performance in distributed systems. Sharding distributes data across multiple nodes, enabling horizontal scalability. Leader-follower replication ensures data consistency and availability by designating one node to handle writes while others replicate the data.

Example: Sharding a large user database by geographical region to improve query performance.

Consensus Algorithms

Consensus algorithms like Paxos and Raft ensure distributed nodes agree on a single data value. Paxos is like a wise elder ensuring all village leaders agree on important decisions, while Raft simplifies the implementation of distributed systems.

Example: Raft is used in HashiCorp Consul for distributed consensus and service discovery.

Transactions and Their Complexities

ACID transactions (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) guarantee reliable transaction processing in databases. BASE transactions (Basic Availability, Soft state, Eventual consistency) offer an alternative approach, suitable for systems that can tolerate some level of inconsistency for improved performance and scalability.

Example: A bank's transaction system using ACID properties to ensure the integrity of money transfers.

The Future of Data Systems

The future of data systems is shaped by emerging trends and technological advancements. NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, and CouchDB offer flexible schemas and horizontal scalability. NewSQL systems combine the scalability of NoSQL with the ACID guarantees of traditional relational databases.

Example: Using Cassandra for managing large-scale IoT data.

The Impact of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is transforming data management,

offering scalable and managed data services like AWS RDS, Google BigQuery, and Azure Cosmos DB. These services provide flexibility, scalability, and reduced operational overhead.

Example: Using AWS RDS to manage relational databases without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Real-Time Data Processing Advancements

Real-time data processing advancements in systems like Apache Flink and Kafka Streams enable near-instantaneous processing of streaming data, supporting real-time analytics and decision-making.

Example: Apache Flink for real-time event processing in financial trading systems.

Future Challenges and Opportunities

Data privacy and security remain ongoing challenges in securing data in distributed systems. Intelligent data management leverages machine learning and AI to automate and optimise data management tasks.

Example: Implementing GDPR-compliant data handling processes.


"Designing Data-Intensive Applications" has provided me with a profound understanding of the complexities and technologies involved in building modern data systems. From foundational concepts to advanced distributed algorithms, the book equips readers with the knowledge to build robust, scalable, and efficient data applications. As data continues to grow in volume and importance, the principles and techniques discussed in this book will remain critical for any developer or architect working in the field. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of data-intensive applications and stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of data management.

I hope this blog post gives you a good understanding of the core concepts and technologies discussed in "Designing Data-Intensive Applications." If you're as fascinated by data systems as I am, this book is a must-read!

Mohammad Mustakim Ali

I'm a Software Engineer living in London, UK. My passion is to make *very fast* software with great user experience and I have just got little better on this than I was yesterday.