git yolo 🦀, safely
You only live once. So keep smashing 🔥 code. You don't have time to decide the commit message - so git yolo
git yolo
Put this in your shell configuration file (.bashrc
, .zshrc
or equivalent file).
git config --global alias.yolo '!git commit -m "$(curl -s"'
Then keep git yolo'ing and lough at the random commit messages generated for you 😂.
$ git yolo
[main 68f1d42] Too tired to write descriptive message
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

cargo check, non-patronising
You know your 💩 well, so there is no need for those patronising error messages generated by Rust compiler. You just need to the error message, the source file and line number - all concisely. Thankfully, the Rust community have thought about this.
cargo check --all-targets --all-features --message-format short

One alias to rule them all!
The ultimate productivity hack for weekend hacking can also be safe. gycc
is my alias of choice (git yolo after cargo check)
git yolo, only if it compiles
So, how is it composed? let's peel the 🧅!
$ which gycc
gycc: aliased to ccc && gyc
$ which ccc
ccc: aliased to cargo check --all-targets --all-features --message-format short
$ which gyc
gyc: aliased to git add --all && git yolo && git push
$ git config --global alias.yolo
!git commit -m "$(curl -s"
$ git config --global alias.yolo '!git commit -m "$(curl -s"'
Putting it all together
Add the following in your shell config file (.bashrc
, .zshrc
or equivalent file), reload the shell - and enjoy gycc
alias ccc="cargo check --all-targets --all-features --message-format short"
git config --global alias.yolo '!git commit -m "$(curl -s"'
alias gyc='git add --all && git yolo && git push'
alias gycc='ccc && gyc'